You know the voice: the one that’s constantly in your ear judging everything you’re doing (or not doing), telling you to be this way and not that way, and generally making sure that you’re following the rules and playing nice — that’s your inner critic. 

Your inner critic is the part of your brain designed to keep you safe. When you're a kid it kept you safe by making sure you kept your hands off a hot stove, didn’t walk across a busy street, didn't talk to strangers. But then, as we get older, it added more and more things to the list, things like:
  • Don't be too loud
  • Don't be too needy
  • Be nice
  • Go to the gym. Every single day.

This was super helpful and probably contributed to you becoming the successful person you are today.

But, there comes a point where this voice stops keeping you safe and starts keeping you small.

This voice will be the biggest deterrent to your dreams because it will encourage you to be who others want you to be and do what society wants you to do instead of being who you are and doing what you want to do with your life. It will tell you that if you do what you want to do instead of what others expect, everyone will hate you, you’ll lose your job, and you’ll never have love. 

You can develop a new relationship with your inner critic. 

"If your inner voice is keeping you stuck, keeping you down, or plain old irritating you, check out the class. I think you'll find it very rewarding and relevant!” ~Ken


  • feeling so confident in your decisions that you don’t second guess yourself or have to call or text a friend to talk you off a ledge, encourage you, or validate your choice — no matter how big or small your decision
  • having significantly fewer shoulds in your day, week, or weekend, and the things you could do for yourself and other people with the energetic space that creates
  • being able to relax in a way that truly rests your body and nourishes your soul without guilt or having to numb-out with Bravo, wine, or scrolling on your phone
  • being so present with your people that you forget what day it is

It is possible to live a life that is authentic to you and have connected relationships and meaningful work. But to do that, you’ll have to develop a new relationship with your inner critic. 

In the Calm Your Inner Critic Course, you will learn how to relate to your inner critic in a way that serves you instead of sabotages you. 

In this course, you’ll learn:
  • What the inner critic is and why it comes out so you can better understand its role in your life
  • Where and when the inner critic shows up (hint: everywhere and all the time!)
  • Ways to identify your inner critic so you can notice and stop her before overtakes your whole day
  • How to calm your inner critic so you can get unstuck and move forward with confidence
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Course Outline

"There were so many ah-ha's, I couldn't write them down fast enough!" ~Mary Margaret

Lesson 1: What is the Inner Critic? 

In this lesson we’ll talk about what the inner critic is, the role it’s meant to play from a biological perspective, and its purpose in our lives. 

Lesson 2: How to Recognize Your Inner Critic 

In this lesson, you will learn common inner critic thoughts and phrases to help you identify when your inner critic is present before she gets too out of control and you want to numb out with TV, food, wine, or busy-ness. 

Lesson 3: Five common inner critic personas 

From people-pleaser to perfectionist, in this lesson, you will learn five common personas of the inner critic in disguise so that you can choose when to turn them on and off, or finally release them for good. 

Lesson 4: A New Relationship with Your Inner Critic 

The most influential relationship in your life is the one you have with your inner critic. In this lesson, you will learn a simple way to manage that relationship including a simple script to use to communicate with your inner critic in a way that will actually make her take a step back. 

Calm Your Inner Critic Workbook 

Printable workbook has questions to guide your learning and reflection and help you see how what you’re learning applies you and your particular inner critic.

Don't spend another day feeling like you're not good enough.

Buy the Calm Your Inner Critic course today and have a kinder, quieter inner voice by the end of the weekend. 

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Meet Your Instructor

Photo of Joanna Platt smiling and holding a coffee cup

Joanna Platt is a life and relationship coach for high achievers who need space to feel their feelings, permission to put themselves first, and guidance on how to do it.

Through intuitive, deep coaching conversations that feel like heart-to-hearts, she’s here to help you quiet your inner critic and bring your best self to the surface so you can connect and contribute in both your work and home life.